Welcome to Etowah Pediatrics! We are a patient-centered, kid-centered, family-centered practice. Our focus is on being the leader in caring for kids.
From the design of our offices, to hiring our staff, to how we schedule appointments, we have taken special consideration to make sure our patients and families receive the best possible care.
Located in a state-of-the-art facility, our offices keep patients moving through a bright and cheerful, yet professional environment.
To help keep our patients well, we offer waiting areas designated for well and sick children. We do our best to schedule well-child appointments during our slower times of the year to respect parent’s time and reduce exposure to illness.
We utilize technology to help reduce wait times, avoid medical errors, and give our patients tools to reach us easily and quickly.
But even with the beautiful building and modern technology, our staff is by far Etowah Pediatrics greatest asset. Our front office, lab, and clinical team will care for your children as they would their own.
At Etowah Pediatrics, every child is greeted with a warm smile that makes them feel at ease, and their parents can feel at ease too, knowing Etowah Pediatrics is the leader in caring for kids.